Public CulturalProduction Art(Software) Software Art and Data Visualization
Software | Art
Software art as
:: art based on code as formal instructions
Generative art, code poetry etc.
:: art offering a 'cultural reflection' on software
Manipulation of existing software (cracks and patches or plug-ins)
Political and activist software
'Alternative' softwares: I/O/D's WebStalker / Netomat
runme software art repository
To what extent is the identity of digital art defined by its nature as art based on code?
:: Ward, McLean, Cox, "The Aesthetics of Generative Code":
Written code as "a computer-readable notation of logic" -- "a notation of an internal structure that the computer is executing, expressing ideas, logic and decisions"
:: Art-historical precedents based on the execution of formal instructions
Fluxus, Dada
Marcel Duchamp, John Cage, Sol LeWitt
Dematerialization of the Art Object: LeWitt, "Sentences on Conceptual Art"
What are the aesthetics of software art and how can they be assessed by traditional art-immanent criteria (or should they be at all)?
:: Florian Cramer, "Concepts, Notations, Software, Art"
Two opposite approaches to software art:
1. "software art as first of all a cultural, politically coded construct"
2. "the formal poetics and aesthetics of software code and individual subjectivity expressed in algorithms"
:: Aesthetics of Perception vs. Poetics of Construction
The 'languages' of software art:
*programming language
*code as artistic expression
*aesthetic 'language' of the code's actions
'Behaviors' of the back end vs. aesthetics of the display:
Craig Reynolds, boids /
Antoine Schmitt, Threesome
Casey Reas (with Jared Tarbell, Robert Hodgin, and William Ngan), Software {Structures}
:: Transformations of representation
:: Software Literacy
Database Aesthetics -- The Database as Cultural Form
Database Imaginary
The network as database:
Maciej Wisniewski, Netomat
Lisa Jevbratt, 1:1
Visualizing Data Sets:
Ben Fry, Valence / simplified Java version
Bradford Paley, TextArc
Golan Levin (with Martin Wattenberg, Jonathan Feinberg, Shelly Wynecoop, David Elashoff, and David Becker)
The Secret Life of Numbers
Real-Time Financial Databases:
Smart Money's Map of the Market by Martin Wattenberg
Nancy Patterson, Stock Market Skirt
Lynn Hershman, Synthia
John Klima, ecosystm
Database as "Cultural Narrative":
George Legrady, Slippery Traces /
Pockets Full of Memories
Jennifer & Kevin MCoy, Every Shot, Every Episode / How I learned
Database Cinema:
Jennifer & Kevin MCoy, 201, A Space Algorithm
Visualizing Communication:
Warren Sack, Agonistics - A Language Game / artport portal
"Locative" Database | Mapping of Physical Space:
Scott Paterson, Marina Zurkov, Julian Bleecker PDPal
Carbon Defense League, MapHub(tm)
Q.S. Serafijn, D-tower
C5, The Landscape Initiative
Database, Social Control, Power Relationships:
Natalie Jeremijenko, HOW STUFF IS MADE / Your Average Criminal / The Category Beautiful / Culpability Calculations / Despondency Index