Penn State University -- School of Visual Arts
Fall 2016
ART 315 New Media Art: New Media Studio
Professor: Eduardo Navas (
Mondays and Wednesdays
2:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Office Hours: M & W 10 AM - 11 AM, 206 Arts Cottage
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Assignment 4: Final Project, Time-Based Media presentation (20%), Due Wednesday, December 5, 2016

Select four works from the material you produced duing class. Consider carefully all of your work including early sound pieces as well as videos and cinemagraphs. Discuss your selections with the professor. Once the selections are discussed make the proper adjustments to each video and prepare it for a reel format.

You will create a media compilation which contains a total of five works: four selected from previous work produced in class, and a final one which is due on December 5. You will turn in your work for class critique on Monday, December 5.

Evaluate your work and try to find a recurring aesthetic or theme. Based on this choose a typeface, and an overall approach for introducing each work as well as including credits at the end of the compilation. Details on what the credits should include will be avaiable on Canvas.

Guidelines for final time-based media work to be included as part of the Media Compilation:

Review your work throughout the semester and select material to create an image and sound mashup/megamix no longer than a minute.

Technical/Formal Requirements:

  • Select video and stills that consist of the three basic shots: wide, mid, and close-up
  • Your video must show a shift in affect (the video must move from one type of mood to another. See project three for details on this).
  • You must consider the rhythm in your editing as discussed in class critique. For instance, when you let a shot/image linger, it must be for a reason.
  • Your sound can include ambient sound from the actual footage, but you must also design and mix sound of your own.
  • The sound should be mixed in order to appear as a "reflexive" partner of the image.
  • You must have at least five scenes/shots to create a fairly complex story. Use footage from three or more previous videos.
  • You must mix your sound well and not go into the red.
  • You will be graded this time on the quality of your video and lighting.
  • Consider using text as the last assignment, but it is not necessary.
  • You can also shoot extra footage, if it is necessary for your idea. (Go over this option with the instructor before moving ahead.)
  • You can use any special effects you may want to add with any software of your choice, if you have this knowledge.
  • You are encouraged to develop a piece that is critical of a subject of your choice such as politics, race, ethnicity, class difference, etc.