Penn State University - School of Visual Arts
Fall 2015
ART 316 Video Art
Professor: Eduardo Navas (
Mondays & Wednesdays 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 12 PM - 1 PM
209 Arts Cottage

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Due: Project 1, Stop Motion (no sound) 10% Due Wednesday, September 9

Create a stop motion with no sound. The subject matter must be successful in two ways: 1) It must make the most of the aesthetics of stop motion, meaning that the work would not be successful any other way, and 2) It must show a complexity through self-reference, meaning that the work gains its automy by acknowledging its limitations of stop motion and lack of sound. In other words, if the viewer were to say: "This work would have been better if it were a straight video or it had sound," your work is not successful. Instead the viewer should say "This work can only be successful as a stop motion with no sound project because it is the omission of such elements that defines the video's aesthetics." Keep these statements in mind as you develop your project.

  • You are free to focus on any concept or subject of your choice. If you're not sure, you are likely to find motivation and interests in your statements for each of the videos you chose to discuss in your first weekly forum. If You are having difficulty coming up with a subject please schedule a meeting to discuss your ideas.
  • The stop motion can be in black or white, color, or can use any special effects you may want to add with any software of your choice.
  • It cannot be longer than 30 seconds, but it is encouraged that it be 15 seconds or less. Less is more--always--when it comes to aesthetics. (Think of the economy of quality not quantity.)
  • You must shoot your own footage.