Penn State University -- School of Visual Arts
Fall 2011
ART 416 Advanced Web and Net Art: Multimedia Publishing
Professor: Eduardo Navas (
T TH 02:30P - 05:30P

Office Hours: Tuesday 12 PM - 2 PM, by appointment
Please contact me via e-mail

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Video Streaming Lecture 1

Basics elements to keep in mind for a successful online streaming video project

Production of video:

  • Try to get the best quality video possible. You can never go back to better quality.
  • If video will be provided to you, make sure to request uncompressed when possible.
  • At times, you may be expected to shoot your own material, make sure to do so based on proper planning.
  • Video production is a class of its own; know your limits and work with others whenever possible.

Display Standards:

  • NTSC (National Television System Committee): 30 frames per second (FPS); used in North and Central America, the Philippines, South Korea, and Taiwan
  • NTSC-J (National Television System Committee--Japan): 30 fps; used in Japan
  • PAL (Phase Alternating Line): TV standard introduec in the 1960's in Europe; 25 fps; used in Europe, part of Asia, and South Africa
  • PAL-M: 30fps; used in Brazil
  • SECAM(Sequential Color and Memory): 25fps; used in France, Russia, the Middle East, and North Africa

Video Formats:

  • DV (Digital Video): minDV, DVCPro-25 DVCAM
  • SD (Standard Definition Video): DVCPro-50, Betacam SX, Betacam SP, DigiBetaCam
  • HD (High-Deifnition Video): HDV, DVCPro-HD, HD

What is Encoding: Compression of video files using a codec. Codec means compressor/decompressor, meaning it encodes video (writes a file) and decodes it (views a file). Flash can encode your video into an FLV.

What can be encoded into FLV (Flash Video)

  • AVI (.avi)
  • DV (.dv)
  • Quicktime (.mov)
  • MPEG-4 (.mpg4)
  • MPEG (.mpg, .mpeg)
  • Windows Media Video (.wmv)

IMPORTANT: deinterlace video
Interlaced video is composed of horizontal scan lines. This was technology developed for TV broadcast. computers cannot show interlaced video, only progressive video. This means that your video must be deinterlaced in the video editing software prior to importing to Flash. Not doing this will result in distorted video, most obvious when there is rapid movement. You may be able to shoot deinterlaced video with your camera. Make sure to consider this option as you develop your content.

Creating a simple Flash FLV with a containter in Flash

Easiest way to turn a video file in any of the formats above into an FLV is to import it into Flash. Do the following:

  • Locate the video on your hard-drive, then import it to flash by selecting: File > Import > Import Video...
  • Upon this selection a window will appear asking the following question: "Where is your video file?"
  • It will provide the following options: On your computer > File Path, and Already deployed on server, etc., > URL

Because you are importing a video that will be encoded in one of the formats described above, you will need to import it into Flash, and then upload to the web. Therefore choose the first option: "On your computer." Select the video from your hard drive and click the buttion "continue."

You will get another window that asks "How would you like to deploy your video?" Choose "Progressive Download from a Server."

You will get another window where you can adjust the video's size, audio and cue points. We will consider this options later. Click continue.

The next window provides information about the skin. Read it carefully and make the choice that makes sense for your video. Keep it simple for now.

The next window will provide information about encoding and upload of video. Make sure to read it carefully then click finish.

Once you have both the skin and the FLV on your desktop or folder, you may upload to the web.

Next lesson: how to customize an FLV skin, and to link it externally.