Professor: Eduardo Navas (
Dreamweaver HTML Lecture #4 |
Make sure to follow the file hierarchy instructions for your final assignment. Look up the examples in the Dreamweaver lecture folder. Working with tables. You can adjust cellpadding, cellspacing as well as border for all tables in html. To do this, select a table in Dreamweaver, open the properties palette: go to top menu bar, select Window > Properties. Experiment with the options for tables. Collapsing and creating columns: Once you import a design from Imageready into Dreamweaver, you may decide to replace specific graphics. To do this, you will need to measure the width and height of the graphic you want to replace, then create another graphic of the exact same size and replace it in Dreamweaver, by creating the proper links in the property palette. You will do this for an animation you will be creating in Flash. ---------- Animation in Flash: To animate: Once you have an object that you want to animate, select it, then on the top menu select: Modify > Convert to Symbol, choose movie symbol. To import a file go to the top menu: File > Import, then choose "Import to stage" or "Import to library." Note: all symbols are stored in your library. What you see on the stage is an instance of your symbol. You can have as many duplicates of your symbol as you like. To animate your symbol, select a layer, then place your symbol on the stage. On the Layer palette, at the top, select a frame according to how long you want your animation to be. Then, on the top menu select: Insert > Timeline > Keyframe. Move your object in the last key frame to wherever you want. (note: you will only be able to move object in keyframes, not on regular frames.) Create as many keyframes to move your object around as desired. Repeat this for as many layers as you like. Note that you can only have one object per layer if you are going to animate the object, but you may have as many objects in one layer if the objects are static. |