The allegorical Impulse, Part 1
no(CR) Eduardo Navas --navasse--


  The following pieces were made by artists cited in the essay "The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism" by Craig Owens. These pieces appear as collaged fragments in the pop-up windows throughout the web project.

Carl Andre
Lever, New York, 1966
Firebrick, 137-unit header course (1 x 137), on the floor

Eugéne Atget
Coin, Rue de Seine, ca. 1924
Street Scene
Matt Print
22.3 x 17.6 cm
Negative number: Atget 6487

Laurie Anderson
Scene from Americans on the Move, Parts 1 and 2, 1979
The Kitchen, New York
(Photo: marcia Resnick)

Robert Barry
Radiation Piece, Cesium 137, 1969
Photo by The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities

Troy Brauntuch
Untitled, 1988

Trisha Brown
Group Primary Accumulation, Raft Version, 1972
Loring Park, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
Photo : Boyd Hagen

Daniel Buren
Untitled, 1968
Photo/souvenir: a work in situ
View of green-and-white paper on signboards carried by "sandwich men," Paris
Photo: Bernard Boyer

Gustave Courbet
Portrait of the Artist, Called Man with a Pipe, ca. 1848-49
Oil on canvas
17 3/4 x 14 5/8"

Marcel Duchamp
The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass), 1915-23
Oil, lead wire, foil, dust, and varnish on glass
8'11" x 5' 7"

Walker Evans
Hale County Alabama, 1936
Black and white photograph

Sherrie Levine
Untitled (President: 5), 1979
Collage on Paper
24 x 18"

Sherrie Levine
Untitled (Lead Checks: 6), 1987
Casein on lead, over wood
20 x 20
Photo: Zindman/Fremont

Sol Lewitt
Wall Drawing # 436A
All First Installation: Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, MA, April 1993
Asymmetrical pyramid with color ink washes super imposed
All First drawn by John Crowley, Christina Hejtmanek, Addison Parks, Anthony Sansotta, Marc Snow, Eric Ziemann
Color ink wash

Robert Longo
Men Trapped in Ice, 1979
Charcoal, graphite on paper, three panels, 60 x 40" each
Photo: Pelka/Noble, New York

Edouard Manet
The Dead Toreador (Le Torero Mort), 1863-4
Oil on Canvas
29 1/2" x 60 1/2"

Richard Prince
Untitled (Three Women Looking in the Same direction), 1980
Set of three ektacolor prints, edition of ten, 3' 4" x 5'

Robert Rauschenberg
Small Rebus, 1956
Combine painting, 35 x 46"

Cindy Sherman
Untitled #119, 1983
Color photograph, 3' 9 1/2" x 7' 10"

Robert Smithson
Spiral Jetty, April 1970
Black basalt and limestone rocks and earth
length 1500'
Great Salt Lake, Utah

Cy Twombly
(Study for) Sunset, 1960
Oil and crayon on canvas, 49 1/4 x 65"

Cy Twombly
Untitled, 1968
Graphite/oil on canvas, 175 x 218 cm

Lawrence Weiner
Residue of a Flare Ignited Upon a Boundary, 1969

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